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City of Casey’s Newest State of the Art Clinic for


Serving Clyde, Cranbourne, Berwick

Having your cat desexed when young isn’t just the responsible thing to do – it can have significant additional benefits, including reduced cancer risk and spraying behaviour.

But while cat desexing is a relatively simple procedure, it’s important to remember that it IS a surgery.

That’s why you should choose Casey’s only “Gold Standard Cat-Friendly Clinic”, as accredited by the International Society for Feline Medicine for their delicate operation.

You and your kitty can have total peace of mind at our brand new, “stress-free” state of the art veterinary facility, where they will undergo rigorous pre-operative testing, and have their deseing procedure performed in an advanced sterile environment by an experienced and caring veterinary surgeon.

Clyde Veterinary Hospital the #1 choice for cat desexing, wherever you are located in the City of Casey – and don’t forget we also cover desexing for dogs, rodents and ferrets too.

State of the Art Clinic

clyde veterinary hospital casey cranbourne

Experienced Surgeon

dr irene mitry veterinary surgeon cat desex

Advanced Sterile Facility

back room veterinary facilities clyde

Purrs All Round

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early desexing cats kittens

desexing cats cranbourne clyde officer

cat spraying cat desexing
Cat Friendly Clinic GOLD25 logo AW 1 cat desexing
clyde veterinary clinic melbourne

Gold Standard, Internationally Accredited

Cat-Friendly Clinic

International Society of Feline Medicine
• Dedicated facilities and skilled staff for reducing stress in cats
• Separate dog and cat waiting and consulting areas
• Feliway anti-stress medication diffusers
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Why Choose Clyde Veterinary Hospital

to Have Your Cat Desexed

The Spot for
the Snip

surgery ward veterinary hospital

Experienced Surgeon

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Easy Finance Available

cat veterinarian cranbourne berwick clyde

Book Securely Online

cat animal behaviour vet clyde cranbourne berwick

Our clinic boasts the very latest sterilisation equipment, plus positive pressure air conditioning to create a world’s best practice sterile environment for your cats’ desexing surgery.

And with rigorous pre-operative testing you can have total peace of mind in choosing Casey’s newest state of the art veterinary facility for their delicate operation.

Dr Irene Mitry has years of experience in bone and soft tissue surgery.

And Dr Mitry’s renowned “cat-side manner” and skills in quickly forming human-animal bonds combined with our “stress-free” clinic status ensure that your pet will be returned to you happier and more ready for recovery after their delicate operation.

Clyde Veterinary Hospital offers flexible payment plans for vet bills, with multiple payment solutions to suit all of our customers.

This includes VetPay and GapOnly, with each choice offering different advantages and considerations.

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Clyde Veterinary Hospital offers a free initial surgical consultation to discuss the surgery and the required postoperative care – another reason to choose southeast Melbourne’s most state of the art animal hospital for your precious companions’ delicate surgery.

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What’s the Difference Between Cat Desexing, Neutering, Castration and Spaying?

While people commonly use and understand these terms interchangeably, technically speaking, desexing is the general term for the ‘fixing’ of a male or female kitten’s potential to bear young through the surgical removal of their reproductive system.

Spaying, (or ovariohysterectomy in vet-speak) is the removal of a female animal’s reproductive organs, while Castration (also known as an orchiectomy), is the removal of a male’s testicles.

In surgical terms, spaying is a considerably more complex operation, involving removal of both the uterus and ovaries, and so requiring incision into the abdominal wall. Removal of the male testicles via castration is obviously a less invasive surgery.

How Long Will it Take My Cat to Recover After Desexing?

Because spaying is a far more complex procedure than neutering, recovery times are naturally longer for female kittens, and most require some form of post-operative pain medication for a period of up to 3 days after their surgery.

Will My Cat Require Any Special Treatment While In Recovery?

In almost all cases, your kitty will be ready to return home on the day of their operation, as soon as the effects of the anaesthesia have abated.

Desexing animals will usually require some form of post-surgical pain medication. Some female cats may also be required to wear an ‘elizabethan collar’ to prevent them from aggravating the incision for a period up to 10 days afterwards.

During this period you are advised to keep your female kitten relatively inactive and in a quiet, stress-free environment.

However, at Clyde Veterinary Hospital we make every attempt to hide the absorbable stitches to avoid the need for a collar in the case of most cats.

While male kittens tend to bounce back from neutering quicker than their female counterparts, you should ideally keep a close eye on your cat after their desexing procedure, and attempt to keep them as quiet as possible – avoiding any sort of strenuous sort of play or exercise for a period of usually no more than 5 days after desexing.

What Are The Benefits of Desexing a Kitten?

The reduced potential for unwanted pregnancies leading to stray or homeless cats is obviously one of the core benefits of having your kitten desexed early.

Research shows that neutered male cats have a significantly reduced tendency to roam their neighbourhood – and when they do, they don’t tend to stray as far from home. Neutered male cats also tend to display fewer ‘territorial’ behaviours such as fighting with other males or ‘spraying’ to mark out their territory.

Female cats cease to experience their regular heat cycles once spayed, leading to a reduction in the signs of irritability that usually accompany them.

Desexing has also been shown to significantly reduce the risk of reproductive organ and mammary cancers prostate disorders and fistulas and statistics show it can result in an increased lifespan for your cat as a result.

Is There Any Risk Associated with Having My Cat Desexed?

Desexing is a surgery which must be performed under anaesthetic, and any anaesthetic procedure carries with it a small degree of risk. At Clyde Veterinary Hospital, we undertake extensive pre-anaesthetic blood and intra-operative fluid therapy to ensure the safest possible anaesthetic and recovery

It’s normal for cats to experience a period of drowsiness after anaesthetic which may last up to a couple of days but is usually significantly less. This is not a cause for concern, but you should take care to keep an eye on your kitty during this period as slips or falls can occur due to their impaired mobility.

Will Desexing Affect My Cat’s Personality?

Overall, you should not notice any significant changes in the nature or behaviour of your cat after desexing, save for a reduction in the problem behaviours mentioned above.

Can a Cat be Spayed While In Heat?

Yes, spaying a female cat (and indeed most ferrets or small mammals) is possible whilst they are in heat.

Are There Any Potential Concerns with Spaying a Cat While Pregnant?

It is certainly possible to have your cat spayed during pregnancy, although this obviously results in the termination of the pregnancy. As a surgery it is no more invasive than a regular spay procedure – although the later stage the pregnancy is, the more complex the surgery comes.
Speak to us at Clyde Veterinary Hospital for advice on the best way to proceed if you find yourself in this situation.

What is the Right Age for Desexing Kittens?

While there is no age limitation on having your cat desexed, most usually the operation is performed after 4 months of age, when the kitten begins to reach sexual maturity.

While no specific complications prevent desexing of older animals, bear in mind that as your cat ages, their resilience to surgical procedures also declines, so if you are going to have the procedure performed, it’s best to do so while your cat is younger.

What is the Most Suitable Age for Desexing Other Animals?

Guinea Pigs are best desexed at around 5-6 months
Hamsters, Rats or Other Rodents at between 4-6 months
Rabbits should also ideally be desexed  around 4-6 months
For Ferret females, the ideal age is when they first come into heat.

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