
As pet owners, we often find comfort in the familiar touch of our furry friends, but what happens when we notice an unexpected lump or bump beneath their coat? While it’s natural to feel alarmed, it’s essential to understand that not all lumps are created equal. Some may be harmless, while others could signal a more serious underlying condition, including cancer.

Identifying the Culprit: Benign vs. Cancerous

Benign Lumps: Benign lumps, also known as non-cancerous growths, are quite common in both cats and dogs. These growths typically develop slowly and often remain unchanged in size and appearance.

Examples of benign lumps include :

  • lipomas (fatty tumors),
  • cysts, and skin tags.

While benign lumps are generally harmless, they can sometimes cause discomfort or irritation, especially if they grow large or are located in areas prone to friction.

Cancerous Lumps: On the other hand, cancerous lumps, or malignant tumors, pose a more significant threat to your pet’s health. These growths can spread rapidly to surrounding tissues and organs, making early detection and treatment crucial.

Common types of cancer in pets include:

  • mast cell tumors,
  • sarcomas
  • mammary gland tumors (especially in unspayed female dogs and cats).
  • Squamous cell carcinoma in cats

When to Worry: Signs and Symptoms

Benign Lumps: Benign lumps often present as soft, movable masses beneath the skin. They may not cause any noticeable symptoms, but in some cases, they can lead to localized swelling, hair loss over the affected area, or even ulceration if they become irritated. However, benign lumps typically do not adhere to surrounding tissues or cause pain unless they impinge on nerves or blood vessels due to their size or location.

Cancerous Lumps: Cancerous lumps, on the other hand, may exhibit more concerning signs, such as rapid growth, irregular shape, firmness, or fixation to underlying tissues. Additionally, you may notice changes in your pet’s behavior, such as decreased appetite, lethargy, weight loss, or difficulty breathing, depending on the location and type of tumor. It’s essential to consult your veterinarian promptly if you notice any concerning changes.

Distinguishing Benign from Cancerous: The Diagnostic Journey

When it comes to lumps and bumps, determining whether they are benign or cancerous requires professional expertise.

Your veterinarian will conduct a thorough physical examination and further diagnostic tests, such as fine needle aspiration (FNA), biopsy, or imaging studies.

These diagnostic tools help differentiate between harmless growths, like lipomas or cysts, and more serious conditions, such as mast cell tumors or sarcomas.

Conclusion: Vigilance and Veterinary Care

In conclusion, while encountering a lump or bump on your beloved pet can be concerning, it’s essential to approach the situation with vigilance and veterinary guidance. Regularly inspect your pet’s skin and coat for any unusual changes, and don’t hesitate to seek professional advice if you notice anything out of the ordinary. Remember that not all lumps are cause for alarm, but early detection and intervention can make a significant difference in your pet’s health and well-being.

Advocating for Your Pet: The Role of Vigilance and Proactive Care

As responsible pet owners, it’s our duty to advocate for the well-being of our furry companions. Regularly inspecting your pet’s skin and coat for any abnormalities, such as lumps, bumps, or changes in size or texture, is crucial. If you notice anything unusual, don’t hesitate to schedule a veterinary appointment promptly. Your veterinarian is your partner in ensuring your pet’s health and happiness, and they have the expertise to provide the care and guidance your furry friend needs.

Give our friendly team at Clyde Vet Hospital a call on (03) 9052 3200 or make a booking online to gets started.


Liver disease can affect our beloved pets, both dogs, and cats. Understanding the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options is crucial for ensuring their well-being. In this blog post, we’ll delve into these aspects to provide a comprehensive overview of liver disease in our furry companions.

Causes of Liver Disease:

Liver disease in dogs and cats can stem from various factors, including:

  1. Toxins: Ingestion of certain toxins like pesticides, human medications, certain plants, and chemicals can damage the liver.
  2. Infections: Bacterial, viral, or parasitic infections such as leptospirosis, hepatitis, and liver flukes can lead to liver disease.
  3. Nutritional Factors: Poor diet, nutrient deficiencies, or excessive intake of certain nutrients can impact liver health.
  4. Genetics: Some breeds are predisposed to certain liver conditions due to genetic factors.
  5. Immune-mediated Conditions: Conditions where the immune system mistakenly attacks the liver, such as autoimmune hepatitis.
  6. Cancer: Liver tumours, whether primary or metastatic, can cause liver dysfunction.

Symptoms of Liver Disease:

Identifying the signs of liver disease in pets is crucial for timely intervention. Common symptoms include:

  1. Jaundice: Yellowing of the skin, gums, and whites of the eyes.
  2. Loss of Appetite: Reduced interest in food or reluctance to eat.
  3. Vomiting and Diarrhea: Gastrointestinal disturbances are common.
  4. Increased Thirst and Urination: Excessive drinking and urination may occur.
  5. Weight Loss: Unexplained weight loss despite a normal diet.
  6. Lethargy: Lack of energy or enthusiasm for activities.
  7. Abdominal Pain: Pets may exhibit signs of discomfort or tenderness in the abdominal region.

Diagnosis: Diagnosing liver disease involves a combination of physical examination, blood tests, imaging studies, and sometimes liver biopsy. Common diagnostic tests include:

  1. Comprehensive Blood Tests: Liver enzyme levels, bilirubin levels, and other blood parameters are assessed.
  2. Ultrasound: Imaging of the liver to detect abnormalities in size, shape, or structure.
  3. Biopsy: A sample of liver tissue may be obtained for microscopic examination to determine the underlying cause and severity of the disease.

Treatment Options For Your Pet:

Treatment for liver disease depends on the underlying cause and severity of the condition. It may include:

  1. Medication: Antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, or medications to support liver function may be prescribed.
  2. Dietary Management: Specialized diets low in copper, high-quality protein, and easily digestible nutrients can support liver health.
  3. Fluid Therapy: Intravenous fluids may be administered to correct dehydration and electrolyte imbalances.
  4. Symptomatic Treatment: Addressing specific symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, or jaundice to improve the pet’s quality of life.
  5. Surgery or Interventional Procedures: In some cases, surgery or minimally invasive procedures may be necessary to address tumours, obstructions, or other structural abnormalities.

Liver disease in dogs and cats can be challenging to manage, but early detection and appropriate treatment can significantly improve outcomes. Regular veterinary check-ups and wellness blood test  a balanced diet, and avoiding exposure to toxins are essential for maintaining liver health in our furry companions. If you notice any concerning symptoms in your pet, don’t hesitate to consult our experienced veterinarian for timely intervention.

If you’re concern about your fur baby, give our friendly team at Clyde Vet Hospital a call on (03) 9052 3200 or make a booking online to gets started.


Responsible pet owners want the best for their beloved cat or dog, including their skin care. When you notice excessive itching, scratching or discomfort from your pet, it’s time to take action. If a pet looks like they have skin irritation, it could be a sign that something is wrong and shouldn’t be ignored. These behaviours can be a response to a variety of things such as pet allergies, parasitic infestation, a bacterial or fungal infection, dry skin, or boredom.

When a pet is constantly scratching or chewing at their skin, they run the risk of prolonging and worsening any potential skin problems. Knowing the telltale signs of various pet skin conditions will help you find appropriate treatment sooner so you can put an end to your pet’s skin irritation and keep any issues at bay.

Signs of skin irritation in pets

If your pet has skin irritation, you may notice a red wet patch on their skin or coat, or you will catch them in the act of licking, scratching or chewing that area of their skin. You will also notice a few changes to their coat that will signify something is wrong

Some of the more common signs to look out for are:

  • Chewing, licking, biting or scratch their own skin
  • Hair loss or bald patches
  • Rashes
  • Dry flaky skin
  • A dull coat
  • A distinct smell/odour that resembles wet socks

Cause of pet skin conditions 

Helping your pet’s skin conditions can feel like a never ending battle. The rash on your pet’s skin could have been caused by them incessantly scratching and tampering with their skin, but there’s most likely an underlying cause to explain why your pet is feeling this level of discomfort. 

Pet allergies

Noticing sudden strange patches on your pet’s skin can often raise a few questions such as ‘is my dog injured?’, ‘does my dog have allergies?’, ‘has my cat been attacked?’. The truth is, your furry friend can be susceptible to pet allergies regardless of their breed or age. Allergies can often be triggered by food or environmental triggers such as pollen, dust, grass, mould and other allergens. Testing can be done to determine the trigger so you can try to minimise your pet’s exposure to some of these allergens.

Skin allergies and dermatitis 

Dermatitis is the name used to describe skin allergies. Unfortunately, skin allergies are often a long term, chronic condition that will require ongoing treatment for your cat or dog. 

Other skin allergies can be caused by contact dermatitis which is often the result of your pet coming into contact with chemicals or plants that cause a reaction.


Parasites that commonly affect pets include ticks, fleas, fungal infection, mange, lice, and ear mites. Some parasites cannot be seen by the naked eye until there is a large infestation. It is important you monitor any changes in your pet’s behaviour, and get them tested and treated for parasites if you notice any signs. Leaving parasites untreated can result in further discomfort, skin irritation, and more serious health issues.

Boredom and anxiety

Excessive chewing, scratching or licking isn’t always the result of a physical reaction. Sometimes it can be a sign that your pet is experiencing psychological discomfort and is trying to self-soothe. Identifying what is causing your pet distress, along with finding a way to keep your pet calm, will help to prevent these compulsions.

Pet skin care tips

Whether you’re trying to better manage cat allergies, dry skin, parasites, anxious pets, dog allergies, or recurring skin conditions for your pet, there are a few things you can do to help ensure your pet’s skin stays healthy.


A proper diet is absolutely essential for your pet to live a happy and healthy life. We’ve already established that skin concerns can be attributed to food allergies, but they can also be the result of an improper diet. Feeding your dog or cat food that is poor quality or lacking in certain nutrients can affect the condition of their coat and underlying skin.

Medicated shampoo

Unlike regular shampoo, medicated shampoo can help provide relief quickly and effectively for pets with skin conditions. Medicated shampoos are specially formulated with active ingredients such as antibacterial agents to treat common pet skin conditions.

Monitor faeces

Faecal testing is the best way for your vet to check your pet for intestinal parasites.

Testing your pet’s faeces every six months can ensure that your pet isn’t suffering from worms. Regular testing can help catch parasites early, making them easier to treat.

Keep a diary

Keeping a record of your pet’s symptoms, behaviour, medicine, and meals will help you and your vet to gain a better understanding of your pet’s health. 


As soon as you notice any signs of skin discomfort in your cat or dog, take them to the vet for a check up. Getting your pet checked for any allergies or parasites can help prevent symptoms from spreading, and allow for faster treatment.

Prior to trying any medicated creams, or if you are unsure what treatment is best for your pet, the friendly team at Clyde Veterinary Hospital can offer the best advice during a consultation. If you have noticed any changes in your pet’s behaviour, or think your pet might be suffering from parasites or an allergic reaction, please contact us on (03) 9052 3200 or make a booking online today. 


Giving your best friend the best chance at living a longer, healthier life is the goal of every loving pet owner. Doing what’s best for your pet goes beyond keeping it well fed and hydrated, and extends to ensuring that your fur baby receives regular pet dental care at home and at the vet. 

Proper dental care for pets helps to prevent and protect animals from a number of health issues that arise when their teeth aren’t properly looked after. Additionally, when an owner takes the time to maintain their pet’s dental health, they help to improve their pet’s well-being and minimise the likelihood of harmful bacteria from the gums passing onto the major organs in your pet’s body. 

National pet dental health month is the perfect reminder of why it’s important to look after your pet’s teeth and gums. By recognising the signs of dental disease and taking steps to prevent it, you can help improve the quality of life for your pet for the years to come. 

Recognising dental disease in pets 

Poor pet dental health in your dog, cat or bunny often first presents itself in the teeth, gums and surrounding areas of your pet’s mouth. 

The slow buildup of plaque can cause issues over time, eventually spreading bacteria throughout the body. If not removed correctly, the plaque can also harden and become tartar, which will need to be removed by a veterinary clinic offering pet dental health services. Fortunately, tartar above the gums can be removed and cleaned by a professional. By getting to it early, you minimise the likelihood of tartar moving below the gum line and causing your pet serious pain and discomfort as a result of inflammation and infection. 

While plaque and tartar can often be seen by looking in your pet’s mouth, sometimes it can be hard to notice when you’re unsure what to look out for. As a general rule, don’t assume that your pet’s teeth are healthy without getting a pet dental health check and maintaining pet dental care. 

If your pet has a buildup of plaque and/or tartar that has caused its’ dental health to deteriorate, you’ll likely recognise one or more of the following signs: 

  • Bad breath 
  • Irregular/abnormal eating or drinking 
  • Broken/loose teeth 
  • Excessive drooling 
  • Bleeding from the mouth 

Once you notice any of these signs, it’s a good idea to go to the vet to get your furry friend checked out. 

Benefits of maintaining pet dental health 

Ensuring your pet receives proper dental care both at home and at the vet is vital. By practising proper dental care, pets are more likely to experience improved overall health that will help them in the years to come. Having a good level of dental care for dogs, cats, bunnies and more helps them in five key areas. 

The most important reason to maintain a thorough level of dental care for pets is to help prevent the likelihood of organ damage caused by dental diseases or infections. You also minimise the potential for the gum disease to get worse. Any bacteria that makes its way into the bloodstream has the chance to spread to the heart, liver and kidneys of your pet, potentially making them extremely sick.

Additionally, proper dental care for cats and other animals can help prevent them from losing teeth, feeling pain in their mouth region or having bad breath. This helps them live freer and helps to ensure they can eat, drink and behave as normal. 

Quality and affordable pet dental care 

Pet dental health awareness month is the perfect time to book your best friend into your local veterinary clinic for a checkup. 

At Clyde Veterinary Hospital, we provide dental health services for dogs, cats, rabbits, rodents and ferrets. We pride ourselves on treating animals in our state-of-the-art clinic and using gold standard service and dental equipment

With dedicated dog and cat treatment areas, you can trust that your beloved pet will receive the highest quality, tailored care. We use the best pet dental care products and perform rigorous pre-anesthetic testing to help ensure your pet receives the best treatment possible. 

If your pet is showing signs of dental problems or you’d like to make sure your pet’s health is the best it can be, give us a call on 03 9052 3200 or make a booking online today. 

Clyde Veterinary Hospital – dental month offer 

Did you know 70% of all cats and dogs have some form of dental disease by just three years of age? Fortunately, this August is Dental Month at Clyde Veterinary Hospital and we’re here to help your much-loved pet. 

For this month only we’re offering: 

  • Free dental assessment and dental preventative plan 
  • 10% off dental procedures if required 
  • 10% off any dental product in the hospital 

T&C – Dental health checks Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. Bookings required.


By Dr Irene Mitry We’ve all heard about the modern childhood obesity epidemic, and a lot of time and money has been devoted in public policy to tackling the problem. But did you know that studies have shown a similar proportion of the furry members of our families are facing a similar epidemic? A recent


This month, Dr Mtry takes an in-depth look at allergens and allergies in pets – what to look for, how to diagnose the condition, and importantly ways to treat and manage the condition effectively …

dog cat skin allergies special promotions clyde veterinary

By Dr Irene Mitry
Head Veterinarian, Clyde Veterinary Hospital – Melbourne

Our pets are really not all that different from us, at a biological level – and they can be just as prone to suffer from allergic reactions – not a pleasant prospect, as any pet owner who suffers from an allergy themselves can testify.

Allergic reactions often operate in a cycle, with irritation of the affected area becoming a stimulus for your dog or cat to itch, which in turn can worsen any infection.

A slew of other health conditions can often develop as a result of your pet’s scratching the affected area, including hair loss, scabbing of the skin, and overall discomfort and associated irritation.

For these reasons, diagnosing the condition and identifying the allergen as quickly as possible is vital for their effective treatment.

Unfortunately, most allergies do not have a “cure” per se – in most cases, management of allergic conditions comes down to simply managing the symptoms and reducing contact with the offending allergen as much as possible.

As we move into the summer months downunder, we begin to see more and more dogs (and to a lesser extent, cats) presenting at the hospital with allergic reaction symptoms, and one recent study showed that skin conditions are actually rated as the #2 overall reason for pet trips to the vet.

So I thought now would be a good time to take a look at what you can do as a pet owner to help prevent your dog or cat from getting stuck in an allergic cycle, and maintain their quality of health if they do.

dog itching skin fur allergic reaction

Allergic Reactions – Signs to Watch For

Because our pets can be masters at avoiding displaying any sign of disease or weakness (remember they are genetically wired this way), it is important for pet owners to always keep a close eye on their pet’s daily behaviour, and take careful note of any changes that persist for more than 24 hours.

The main way for owners to differentiate allergies in their pets from regular influenza or a ‘cold’ is the itch factor.

Owners should look for signs of itching and irritation, typically in the form of redness, sensitivity, or inflammation of their dog or cat’s skin.

If you notice your pet is excessive scratching, licking or chewing at one particular area, it’s a good sign that some form of allergic reaction may be present.

Importantly, take note of the actual area that are tending to itch at – is it one particular area of skin, or maybe one or the other of their ears?

This can indicate the presence of an ear infection, which requires a very different treatment to allergic dermatitis of the outer skin, while a dog itching their back near the base of the tail is oftentimes a sign of flea allergy.

Try and give your vet as much information as possible about any allergic response – how long they have been experiencing it, where exactly it is located, and exactly what behaviour is being exhibited.

The most common areas affected by allergens in dogs and cats are the face, ears, feet, belly and armpit area.

Acute Allergic Reactions

Perhaps the most alarming of all pet allergies is an acute allergic reaction. Pets can go into anaphylactic shock if they have a severe reaction to an allergen, which can be fatal if not treated quickly. Fortunately there are quite rare and usually caused by bee stings or responses to vaccines.

The most troubling anaphylactic symptoms to watch for are

  • Cold limbs
  • Wheezing and difficulty breathing
  • Increased heart rate or a weak pulse
  • Seizures
  • Excessive salivating or drooling
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Pale gums

If your pet is showing one or more of these symptoms, this should be a red flag that you need to get them to their veterinarian urgently and without delay.

In some cases, your pet may also develop hives or facial swelling in response to an allergen. Swelling of the face, throat, lips, eyelids, or earflaps may look serious but is rarely fatal, and your veterinarian can readily treat it with an antihistamine.

Atopic Dermatitis

Pets that continually itch without relief may have allergen-induced atopic dermatitis. Atopic dermatitis is a condition that involves severe irritation of the skin usually due to inhaled or been in contact with the allergens.

If atopic dermatitis is left untreated, it can then lead to secondary infections due to an overgrowth of yeast or bacteria, so again you should see your vet as soon as possible with any concerns.

In general, the following are the most common symptoms associated with allergic reactions in pets

  • Itchiness
  • Hives
  • Swelling of the face, ears, lips, eyelids, or earflaps
  • Red, inflamed skin
  • Sneezing
  • Itchy ears
  • Chronic ear infections
  • Itchy, runny eyes
  • Constant licking
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting

Readers will note that many of these symptoms could also be a sign of another veterinary condition. For this reason, only your vet can give you an effective diagnosis and treatment plan for the condition.

dog scratching at fur allergic response

Types of Allergies

Allergies in pets generally fall under one of three main categories according to their cause – skin allergies, food allergies, and environmental allergens.

Skin Allergies

Skin allergies, also known as allergic dermatitis, are the most common type of allergic reactions in dogs and cats.

Flea allergy dermatitis is a specific form of allergy caused by an allergic reaction to fleabites. Some animals are allergic to flea saliva, which can make affected animals extremely itchy, especially at the base of the tail, and their skin may become red, inflamed, or scabbed.

You may also notice signs of fleas infesting your pet, such as flea dirt, or even see the fleas themselves if you brush their fur “against the grain” and inspect their fur closely. Flea allergies are most effectively treated by treating your dog or cat with a regular flea treatment.

Food Allergies

Food allergies and sensitivities can cause itchy or irritated skin, so don’t assume that just because your pet is scratching that the condition in necessarily skin-related.

The most common places dogs or cats with food allergies will tend to itch are their ears and their paws, and this may or may not be accompanied by gastrointestinal symptoms. Again, make sure your vet has all the required information about all changes in their food in order to make an effective diagnosis.

Environmental Allergens

Environmental allergens, such as dust, pollen, and mold, can cause an atopic allergic reactions or atopic dermatitis in pets.

In most cases, these allergies are seasonal, so you may only notice your dog or cat itching during certain times of the year. As with food allergies, the most commonly affected areas are the paws and ears (but also include the wrists, ankles, muzzle, underarms, groin, around the eyes, and in between the toes).

Diagnosing Allergies in Pets

If you have ever undergone allergy testing yourself, then you know that diagnosing allergies is an often complicated process, even with the best modern medical science has to offer.

But without an effective diagnosis of the actual allergen present, a tailored and therefore effective veterinary response is impossible.

The first thing your veterinarian may choose to do is rule out any other underlying condition that could be causing your pet’s symptoms.

If your veterinarian feels an allergy is the likely cause, they may propose allergy testing to try and determine the cause of the allergen that is causing the reaction.

However, keep in mind that even the best formal tests do not always return a positive response – diagnosis of allergic conditions is most usually an exercise in elimination and trial and error

Food allergies are often diagnosed using an elimination diet. A food trial consists of feeding your pet strictly one singular source of protein and carbohydrate for 12 weeks.

Veterinary Cytology – the ‘Gold Standard’ Test

Cytology involves examination of  the cells  from the affected area of the skin under a microscope.

Sampled fluid/ tissue from a patient is smeared onto a slide and stained. This is then examined for the number of cells on the slide, what types of cells they are, how they are grouped together and what the cell details are (shape, size, nucleus etc).

Fortunately, at Clyde Veterinary Hospital, we are equipped with the necessary tools for performing cytological exams right here on-site, allowing for the speediest possible diagnosis of your pet’s skin infection.

That’s why, as part of our Oct/Nov special allergies promotion, we are offering FREE cytology exams with any consultation (valued at up to $40).

Combine that with a discount of $20/bag off any necessary Hills Prescription (while stocks last), and Clyde Veterinary Hospital is the City of Casey’s #1 choice for the detection and management of allergic conditions in pets.

CLICK HERE to book online, or phone the clinic directly on 9052 3200 to have your pet’s condition seen to today.

dog cat skin allergies special promotions clyde veterinary


The key to managing gum or tooth disease, whether in dogs, cats or humans is prevention.

And with research showing up to 85% of dogs or cats experience some form of dental health issue by just 3 years of age, it’s vital for their wellbeing that you do your utmost to prevent it developing.

And dental disease doesn’t just present tooth, gum and feeding/diet issues. It can also cause harmful bacteria to pass to your pet’s major organs and cause serious or even life threatening health complications.

There are a few simple steps you can take to ensure maximum dental hygeine in your pet, and what better time than August “Dental Month” 2021 to run you through some of the basics?

And don’t forget, we have a huge range of special offers so you can have peace of mind your fur baby’s mouth is in perfect shape, without overtaxing your wallet. Click the image below to LEARN MORE.

dental care cats dogs veterinary


cat teeth dentistry vet care


1. Watch for Signs and Symptoms of Disease

As a secondary benefit of regularly brushing your dog or cat’s teeth, you will be routinely getting up close and personal enough with them to notice most emerging tooth or gum issues before they become serious.

Periodontitis has four main stages – progressing from minor plaque build up or mildly inflamed gums through to full blown gingivitis to mild or severe periodontitis – which can result in the loss of teeth or even bone tissue disease.

Dogs and cats both display similar symptoms when they are facing problems with their dental health. The most common early symptoms are bad breath or you may notice a yellowish-brown tartar forming on their teeth. These handy graphics will give you a good idea what to look out for and to judge how serious the dental problem might be.

dental disease dogs cats stages

stages periodontal disease dogs cats

A healthy pet’s mouth should show gums of a uniform light pink colour, with clear white teeth showing no discolouration or build up of plaque around the gums.

Gingivitis – the earliest stage of dental disease will usually present as a red discolouration of the gums – particularly around the base of or between the teeth.

If the disease advances to actual periodonitis, you will notice a more severe discolouration through larger areas of the mouth, and a yellowing of the base of your dog or cat’s teeth, and some bleeding from the gums may also be present, depending how advanced the disease has become.

You may also begin to notice a yellowing or darkening of the enamel on your pet’s teeth, which can lead to a serious and painful abscess, or even bone loss, if not treated promptly.

More severe symptoms include loss of appetite, excessive drooling, and your dog or cat licking up their food and avoiding chewing it, favouring one side of their mouth in eating, or using their front paws to regularly rub at their mouth. 

See your vet urgently if your pet is displaying any one or more of these symptoms.


2. Clean Their Teeth Regularly

Few pet owners take the time to give their animal’s teeth a regular or dedicated clean, but this is without question the gold standard in preventative care.

Just imagine if you brushed your own teeth as infrequently as you do your pets’, the number of dental issues that you would be facing. Yet the processes of developing dental disease is exactly the name, no matter what the species.

We strongly encourage the use of a dedicated species-specific toothbrush or “finger brush” – which is a specially designed plastic overlay that you place over your finger and use to brush their teeth directly, and which gives much better tactile feedback and a better experience for your pet.

dog breath treatment veterinary casey
Clean teeth and gums are key to fighting “doggy breath” – even in cats!

All these products have a similar level of efficiency, but a couple of good lists of suiitable products for dogs or cats can be found here>
The 10 Best Dog Toothbrushes in 2019
Best Cat Toothbrushes Reviewed – 2019

While using a dedicated dental paste is not essential, again this is really the gold standard. Dedicated pet-specific formulations are available which have a palatable taste for pets, and which provide additional benefits such as mouth freshening and prevent plaque buld up.

We DO NOT recommend using human toothpaste to clean your dog or cat’s teeth, as these can contain ingredients that can be harmful to dogs or cats if used over an extended period.

oxyfresh veterinary pet dental gel

We do recommend products such as Oxyfresh Pet Dental Gel, which is completely odourless and tasteless and made from natural ingredients.

It’s important that you remain committed to a daily process of brushing in order to maintain the benefits of a regular dental regime, and it’s important to quickly get your pet used to the somewhat unnatural process of having their teeth brushed.

Start out by giving your dog or cat a small sample of the toothpaste to introduce them to the taste. And reward them afterwards with play, petting or a favorite activity, to positively reinforce the brushing process.

We recommend starting your pet out as young as possible while they are still puppies or kittens, as they will be far more receptive to brushing if you begin at an early age.

dog mouth teeth closeup dental

Start by gently lifting up your dog or cat’s top and bottom lip one side at a time and lightly rubbing their teeth with your finger once a day. Once they become used to this, you should begin use of the finger or tooth brush.

We recommend the following handy tips for the process of cleaning your dog or cat’s teeth at home

  • Lift their upper lip to expose the outside surfaces of your pet’s gums and teeth.
  • Brush with gentle circular motions to clean both the teeth and gums, exactly as you would your own.
  • Concentrate on cleaning the outside (cheek-facing) surfaces, as most pets will not allow you to brush the inside surface of the teeth.
  • Be sure to clean the back upper molars and canines, as these teeth tend to quickly build up tartar.

Here’s a great little video that walks you through the process …


3. Use Specially Formulated Dental Dry Food

A number of dog and cat food manufacturers now make several varieties of dry food formula which has been specially designed to abrasively prevent the build-up of plaque or tartar on your pet’s teeth and gums.

At Clyde Veterinary Hospital, we strongly recommend Hills Prescription Diet t/d Dental Care for Dogs and Cats – it features a specially formulated, species-specific kibble shape and size, with “fibre matrix technology” for maximum plaque reduction.

And during “Dental Month” at Clyde Vet, we’re offering a huge 15% off RRP on all Hills Dental Care Dry Food until August 31 – email or phone 9052 3200 to speak to our friendly staff about your needs.

hills veterinary dental diet dog cat 


4. Use Dedicated Dental Chews

Similarly, several manufacturers make dedicated dental chew treats for dogs, which are a great-tasting way to supplement a daily brushing regime, and provide a little reward for putting up with the hassle of brushing.

We’re such huge fans of Oravet Dental Chews for Dogs, that we’re also offering $10 off per bag of Oravet if purchased before August 31 – strictly limited to the first 20 purchasers.

That’s up to 25% off the recommended retail price until August 31 – email or phone 9052 3200 to speak to our friendly staff about your needs.

oravet dental chews veterinary dogs


5. Add a Specialised Dental Formula to Their Drinking Water

Oxyfresh have also come up with this extremely clever way of destroying bacteria and removing plaque – a dental additive solution you can mix in with their regular water – it’s completely colourless and odourless so they’ll never even know the good they are doing themselves every time they go to the water bowl – and it’s effective for both dogs and cats, or indeed any animal species.

We don’t recommend relying primarily on this as a preventative measure, but it can certainly help imrove the effectiveness of a more hands-on dental care regime.

oxyfresh veterinary dental water additive


6. Give Dogs a Raw Bone

Although this is one preventative measure your dog will truly relish, we recommend exercising caution with this. Importantly NEVER give your dog a cooked bone, as they are liable to splinter and can seriously injure your pet, and if possible supervise them while they are gnawing at it.

Always give your dog a human-grade meat bone (some preservatives used in inferior meats contain substances that can harm your dog), with enough meat still on to retain a degree of softness, and make sure the bone is large enough that they won’t attempt to swallow it.

Chewing on the bone’s rubbery surface can help remove plaque and tartar build-up and strengthen your dog’s gums, providing improved resistance to dental decay.

We recommend a maximum of 1-2 bones per week, and try to leave a minimum 3 day gap between treats.

dog chewing stick dentistry month


7. See Your Vet Regularly

This one may seem obvious, but it’s important that your pet has regular dental checkups from an early age – you don’t want them having to live with a lifetime of tooth or other dental issues, which can lead to a loss of appetite, and restrict their enjoyment of life.

Only a professional dental check can properly diagnose and treat the often deeply hidden teeth or gum issues that can lurk deep within your dog or cat’s mouth.

Older animals will also benefit from occasional dental scaling, and your vet can advise if this would be appropriate and beneficial for your pet. Depending on the age of the animal and the level of build-up, they should only need professional dental scaling at 2-3 year intervals.

im3 veterinary dental equipment machine
State of the Art IM3 Ultrasonic Scaler, as used by Clyde Veterinary Hospital

Ultrasonic scalers are handheld devices which use ultrasonic vibrations to remove hard, calcified deposits from your pet’s teeth. They also create shockwaves that disrupt bacterial growth, while also washing flushing the pockets between teeth and any exposed root surfaces with water.

The procedure is usually followed by a professional tooth polish, which smooths the surface of the tooth to minimise bacteria and plaque build up.

We do strongly caution against any lay dental practitioners who claim to perform dental scaling free of anaesthesia. For starters, the procedure can be painful and distressing for your pet, but just as importantly – it’s been shown to be ineffective as a preventative measure – in most cases, your pet is simply not going to allow anyone to insert anything deep enough into their mouths to provide for an effective clean.

dog chew toy dental care

And a final reminder, we have a huge range of special offers for August 2021 Dental Month, so you can have peace of mind your fur baby’s mouth is in perfect shape, without overtaxing your wallet. Click the image below to LEARN MORE.

dental care cats dogs veterinary


As the cold Melbourne winter mornings set in, Dr Mitry takes a look at the preventative steps you can take to help diagnose and manage arthritis in our furry friends.


Arthritis in Pets – A Silent Epidemic

Our pets aren’t always the best communicators. Any sign that an animal is in pain can be interpreted as a sign of weakness by a competitor, so our furry companions try naturally to avoid displaying any outward pain symptoms. Cats are particularly skilled at hiding their pain.

But research shows that 80% of dogs experience some form of arthritis by eight years of age and a startling 20% show some symptoms at just one year, and the numbers are not radically different for cats. There’s no question that arthritis is one of the most under-diagnosed of veterinary conditions.

Arthritis can affect one or more joints anywhere in your pet’s body, but the most common joints affected in dogs and cats are the hips, knees, shoulders and elbows. Most of these joints depend on a layer of cartilage acting as a cushioned surface so the adjoining bones can move freely. This movement is assisted by the lubrication provided by synovial fluid in joints.

With arthritis the cartilage deteriorates and the synovial fluid loses its lubricating properties so that movement of the bones causes friction in the joint which registers as pain, and that pain will worsen as the joint becomes more aggravated.

Arthritis is an incurable condition, but the worst symptoms can be managed to give your pet a relatively pain-free old age, and the earlier the condition is identified the better the prospects for effective management.

dog hearing loss vision prevention veterinary

Spotting Arthritis in Your Pet

Fortunately nobody knows them as well as their owner, and there are several obvious signs to watch out for as your pet ages. If your dog or cat is showing any of these possible symptoms of arthritis over a persistent time frame, we recommend seeing your vet as early as possible for a full diagnosis.

  • Slowness in getting up
  • Favouring a limb when walking
  • Hesitancy in actions they previously had no problem with (climbing steps, jumping up, running)
  • Decrease in activity or play
  • Laying down/sleeping more
  • Muscle atrophy/wasting
  • A hunched back or abnormal spinal position
  • Cats may resist using their litter tray
  • Reduced or limited grooming behaviour
  • Irritability when handled, especially in cats

Dog owners can scroll down to the end of this article for an interactive online quiz that you can take to help assess the risk of osteoarthritis in your dog.

arthritis osteoarthritis dogs cats signs symptoms

Managing Your Pet’s Arthritis At Home

As another Melbourne winter intensifies, the mornings are colder, and the potential for any flare up in your dog or cat’s arthritis is heightened. You can help out by making sure their bedding is warm and clean and well insulated from the cold floor. Some other things you can do to help manage the condition include;

  • Maintain a healthy weight to avoid putting excess strain on arthritic joints
  • Controlled, low-intensity exercise is essential, but make sure you carefully monitor your pet while they play, walk, or run. If possible, find a soft surface for activity such as a grassed area
  • Keep your pet warm and dry, since cold and damp conditions can aggravate arthritis.
  • Consider investing in a padded dog bed and apply warm compresses to painful joints.
  • Placing a hot water bottle or heated blanket under their bedding can also help relieve their discomfort


arthritic dog veterinary care

Most importantly, for dogs or cats with severe arthritis, you should consider what changes you can make to their home environment to reduce the stress on ageing joints – this could include re-locating their food and water bowls, or providing a ramp to help them access their bedding.


By Dr Irene Mitry
Head Veterinarian – Clyde Veterinary Hospital

Unless you happen to own a Sphinx cat, the one common fact that ALL pet owners need to contend with is that your beloved companion is quite noticeably VERY FURRY.

This is great when it’s time for cuddles and pats, but we all know that fur presents its own unique problems. Their fur can tend to trap odours, house parasites and most importantly, it can obscure any emerging health conditions on your pet’s skin.

Most skin conditions are completely benign, and only represent a cosmetic threat to your pet’s well-being. But the MOST SERIOUS such conditions are very serious indeed – to the point of being life-threatening if not seen to immediately.

For this reason, it is vital for your dog or cat’s well-being that you check them regularly for any emerging issues and see your vet urgently if you find anything of concern.

That’s why at Clyde Veterinary Hospital, we strongly recommend that pet owners take just five minutes a month to perform a regular MONTHLY EXAM of their animal’s skin as part of an optimal preventative care regime, and we’ve put together this month’s blog in order to walk you step by step through the best way to do this.


1. Scheduling the Time

One of the hardest aspects of the whole exercise is actually making sure that you build this systemically into their regular care regime.

If your pet is already taking some form of monthly medication, the most obvious solution is to make sure that you routinely perform this check immediately after giving them their medication each month.

One of the great things about this check is that because of the physical attention they get, it’s one of the few veterinary exams that your dog or cat will actually come to look forward to – and if they hate their medication, this can even be a little reward for their putting up with the tablet!

If you don’t have a regular monthly routine that a skin check can become a part of, we recommend building a little reminder into your existing calendar system – fortunately most electronic systems are great for setting a regularly scheduled reminder like this. Here’s a great list of some of the most popular digital calendar apps currently on the market for this purpose.


2. Performing the Check

There is no right or wrong way to perform a lumps and bumps examination, but it is important that you systematise the check in order to make sure you’re routinely checking the entire animal.

Cancers in particular can develop in some of the harder to reach areas between joints associated with the lymphatic system.

The two key elements that make up the check are really the “technique” you use to perform it, and the “route” you map out along the animal.

In terms of the technique, it’s important to note that simply running your hands along the surface of their fur is insufficient to identify anything but the largest or most obvious problems in dogs and cats.

The point here is that this is a SKIN CHECK, and you need to make physical contact with or otherwise inspect the animal’s actual skin to perform the check effectively.

Owners will need to get comfortable with stroking their fur AGAINST its natural “grain”, so brushing  BACKWARDS towards the animal’s head, rather than their tail with your fingers is the most critical aspect.

It will be much easier for short haired breeds, but you should try as best as possible to get a look at the actual skin surface, where you are looking for any unusual discolouration as well as any obvious raised lumps or disturbances of the skin.

If you identify anything unusual, make a note of EXACTLY where on your animal you found the lump or bump, and if possible take a photo of it on your phone. This will allow you to easily show the vet the area of concern and allow you to compare any changes in colour or condition of the lump.

And while it’s not technically part of a lumps and bumps check – you should make a note if you spot any fleas, ticks or other parasites in the fur or on the skin in the process, as your vet should be informed of this also at your next veterinary checkup.


3. Start the check at the head

We recommend starting your pet’s skin check with your dog or cat standing upright, with larger animals on the floor and smaller animals on a bench if possible.

You should begin the skin check at your pet’s head, remembering that their fur is shortest here so this region is particularly prone to skin cancers. Growths can be lurking absolutely anywhere.

Check their head carefully all over – for dogs remember to check the entire muzzle, look in their nostrils. around eyes, and in and around their mouth, and don’t forget to lift the earn on floppy haired breeds and have a good inspect of the under ear surface and in the ear.

Mouth cancer tumour dog
Cancers can often grow unobserved in your pet’s mouth

Once you’re sure you’ve covered your pet’s whole head, inspecting as much of the skin as possible, start working your way along their back to their tail, repeating the process, patting them constantly “against” the natural grain of their fur to raise it up and expose the skin before moving progressively along to the next section.

Make sure you inspect the whole tail – this is one part of the exam most pets are less than fond of, but it’s important to try and hold the tail as still as possible to allow you to at least inspect its length by touch.

You will then need to examine their underside, best done by rolling them fully on their back, and similarly inspecting their tummy fur. Pay special attention to their joints – lumps can often grow in these difficult to detect locations, and make sure you run your hands fully along all their limbs.

Conclude the exam by a close examination of the pads of all four paws, where in addition to lumps and bumps, burrs and other foreign objects can cause problems.


4. What If I Find A Lump?

Firstly, the most important thing is that you DON’T PANIC. The vast majority of lumps found on dogs or dogs turn out to be completely benign – even some quite nasty looking one. If you come across any of the following common types of lump, simply note and record the location and arrange to see your vet at the earliest possible opportunity.

dog having lump clipped vet

Some Common Lumps to Look Out For

Fatty Tumours – you may notice these soft, fatty lumps appearing on your pet, and largening and sagging with age. They tend to be more common in obese animals. Not all tumours are serious, but they should all be seen to.

Melanoma: a pigmented tumour which most frequency occurs on areas of the animal that are exposed to sunlight. Often initially circular, they may grow into a more blotchy shape and discolour with time. Melanomas are malignant and should be seen to by a vet as soon as identified.

Mast Cell Tumour – comprising of up to 25% of all tumours. They’re most common in dogs of middle and older age. Mast cell tumours can look like many other tumours, but they are actually a fast-growing form of cancer, so it’s vital to have them diagnosed accurately and quickly by a vet.

Sebaceous Cysts – these look like, basically are, and are of no more concern than the common pimple.

Warts – largely a cosmetic issue, you may notice these hard, dark circular areas of skin appear particularly around the animal’s mouth. They are nothing to be concerned with unless its annoying your pet or they are scratching at it.

Abscesses – the buildup of pus under the skin, usually associated with a wound to the pet, and usually painful or tender to the animal.

Hives – a rash of round, red weals on the skin that itch and swell. They are generally caused by a reaction of the skin to allergens such as bee stings.  They sometimes they require treatment with steroids or antihistamines.


infographic pet lumps bumps cancer tumours skin

Lumps That Are Of Most Concern

As you can see, not all lumps and bumps on your pet are equally serious. For complete peace of mind, you should have anything unusual seen to by your vet, but the issue is most pressing if the lump exhibits one or more of the following features which may indicate the presence of a cancerous growth:

  • Grow rapidly
  • Change visibly in size or shape between inspections
  • Ooze or break open
  • Are firm and tightly fixed in place
  • Are abnormally coloured like melanomas

Before Seeing Your Vet

Knowing the answers to these questions before you take your animal to the vet will help them diagnose your dog’s “lump” quicker

  • Has the lump or bump appeared suddenly or has it been there a while?
  • Has the bump or lump stayed the same consistency or had the same appearance or has it recently changed?
  • Does the lump seem to separate from the underlying tissue or does it seem fixed in place?
  • Is there only one lump that you have found recently or are there multiple bumps?
  • Finally, has your pet shown any changes in behaviour such as loss of appetite, weight loss, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, or a dramatic change in overall attitude?

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